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Главная » Для электронщиков разработчиков » Arduino совместимые контроллеры и платы » Аудио усилители и модули

GY-MAX4466 Модуль усилителя электретного микрофона

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5.96 AZN
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Add an ear to your project with this well-designed electret microphone amplifier. This fully assembled and 
tested board comes with a 20-20KHz electret microphone soldered on. For the amplification, we use the 
Maxim MAX4466, an op-amp specifically designed for this delicate task! The amplifier has excellent power 
supply noise rejection, so this amplifier sounds really good and isn't nearly as noisy or scratchy as other 
mic amp breakouts we've tried!
This breakout is best used for projects such as voice changers, audio recordingmpling, and audio-reactive projects that use FFT. On the back, we include a small trimmer pot to adjust the gain. You can 
set the gain from 25x to 125x. That's down to be about 200mVpp (for normal speaking volume about 6" 
away) which is good for attaching to something that expects 'line level' input without clipping, or up to 
about 1Vpp, ideal for reading from a microcontroller ADC. The output is rail-to-rail so if the sounds gets 
loud, the output can go up to 5Vpp!

Using it is simple:
Connect GND to ground, VCC to 2.4-5VDC.
For the best performance, use the "quietest" supply available (on an for Arduino, this would be the 3.3V supply). 
The audio waveform will come out of the OUT pin. The output will have a DC bias of VCC/2 so when its 
perfectly quiet, the voltage will be a steady VCC/2 volts (it is DC coupled). If the audio equipment you're using 
requires AC coupled audio, place a 100uF capacitor between the output pin and the input of your device. If 
you're connecting to an audio amplifier that has differential inputs or includes decoupling capacitors, the 
100uF cap is not required.
The output pin is not designed to drive speakers or anything but the smallest in-ear headphones- you'll need 
an audio amplifier (such as 3.7W stereo amp) if you want to connect the amp directly to speakers. If you're 
connecting to a microcontroller pin, you don't need an amplifier or decoupling capacitor - connect the OUT 
pin directly to the microcontroller ADC pin.
For audio-reactive projects, we suggest using an FFT driver library which can take the audio input and 'translate' it into 
Package Included:
GY-MAX4466 MAX4466 Electret Microphone Amplifier Module Adjustable Gain OUT GND VCC Amplifier Board 2.4-5V DC For Arduino

Добавил: elektronwik1, Ср, 2020-06-24

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