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MPU-6500 6-Axis Gyroscope Accelerometer Sensor Module IIC I2C SPI
IIC I2C SPI MPU6500 MPU-6500 6-Axis Gyroscope Accelerometer Sensor Module Replace MPU6050 For Arduino With Pins GY-6500
MPU-6500 modules (three-axis gyroscope + triaxial accelerometer)
Module Model: GY-6500
Use Chip: MPU-6500
Power supply : 3-5v (internal low dropout regulator)
Communication: Standard IIC / SPI communication protocol
-Chip 16bit AD converter, the output data 16
Gyro range: ± 250 500 1000 2000 ° / s
Acceleration range: ± 2 ± 4 ± 8 ± 16g
SPI / I2C: 400 KHz
Using Immersion Gold PCB, machine welding process to ensure quality
2.54mm pin pitch
Module size 15mm * 25mm
The difference between MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU 6500, MPU 9150 and MPU9250.
Добавил: elektronwik1, Ср, 2022-04-20
Валюта |
- 10 AZN = $5.872
- 10 AZN = 5.637 Евро
- 1 AZN = 20.493 TL
- 1 AZN = 59.307 Рубль